
Me and You End

Me and You

At the end of the book “Me and You”, Lorenzo went visit Olivia ten years later. Ten years earlier, they met in the basement, and there were several events happened. Lorenzo was hiding in the basement pretended that he was out for the ski week with friends. Then Olivia suddenly came and ignored Lorenzo’s secret life in the basement. At first, Lorenzo refused to let his half sister to stay with him in the basement. However, he felt sympathy about Olivia’s condition after he heard about her life experience. He wanted to help her, and he wanted to talked with her. After the time staying with Olivia, Lorenzo built up good relationship between him and Olivia. They promised each other to keep contact in the future. The story suddenly end, in the new page, it was already ten years later. Lorenzo went to see Olivia, but the place he went was the hospital, sadly, Olivia was dead at the end of the story. I did not expect that would happened at the end of the story, I thought it wasn’t a sad story as I was reading it. It is a story which talked about the relationship between Lorenzo and Olivia. It also talked about how those two characters changed.

As I read through the page which Olivia left in the morning with a note she left, I thought the story was end. However, when I switch to the next page, the story was continued with 10 years later. I felt surprised that the story ended that way, probably, the author wants us to feel Lorenzo’s feeling which he finally met her sister again after 10 years, but Olivia was dead. The author wants us to think about what might Lorenzo feel when he found out her sister was dad. Lorenzo must be very sad. Olivia was the person who had changed him from the boy who don’t know how to deal with people. She must be very important to Lorenzo. In my own, I expected that, the story would end with Olivia stopped taking drugs and she found her way to live, Lorenzo made a lot of friends, and he built up good relationship with others.

Although it is a sad story at the end, the story itself is really nice. It makes reader to think, and we learn things from reading it. From Lorenzo, I learned: we should not only care about ourselves. We need to think more about others, and care about them. After you start to love others, others start to love you. That is how good relationship is built. We shouldn’t hide ourselves, because at last the person who get hurt is ourselves. We feel lonely, do the thing we don’t want to do. From Olivia, I learned, we should care about ourselves. We should never do the thing which would hurt our body. We need to live with hope, so that we could find our way.

