
Short Story

       Once upon the time, Jerry went to Bali with his family. It was a family vacation, and they came there to avoid the cold weather in China.
       It wasn't a fun trip and Jerry did not want to go at first, because he prefer to stay in China. As it was a family trip, Jerry had to go. Through the vacation, Jerry was not very happy. He said this place was hot and full of insects. He hoped he could went back to China as soon as possible. His parent got mad at him because of his attitude. They yelled at him: "No matter this place was fun or boring, you need to stay with us. You need to stay with your family.
      At last, Jerry changed his negative attitude. He tried to enjoy this trip, because he had already came here. He fund out there was a lot fun when he was enjoying the trip. He realized that he need to spend more time with his family.

