
Self-Assesment of my project

        After reading gathering the pearls, we wrote a diary as the final project. In the diary, we pretend to be one of the students in Sookan's college and write about things happen in the freshman year.
        In this project, I think I did well on fulfilling the length. We are required to write 1900 words, but I write almost 3000 word. At first, I just put a lot of details on my first diary. I just kept adding details in order make the story more specific. As the time going, I felt like I should be more organized when I was describing the events. I created my unique character's story and it was almost my own experience when I first came to America. I was being shy and was not very cofident to talk. I chose to be silent all the time and I did not have any friend. In the diary I developed my own character from a shy girl who did not have any friends to a girl that had more confident. Besides this, I also used the third person view to write about things happen in "Gathering in pearls". For example, I wrote that I became friends with Ellen and Sookan. I included some details about their characteristic in the story, and I wrote about my personal feeling about them.
        To describe my story, I mostly use narration to tell the things happen in the college. I wrote about things happen in different date such as what I did, who I met, and how I thought.  However, I lack the five senses, because I did not use them very often. I did not think I wrote about any thing about smelling and touching. I just wrote what I saw and what I heard. On the other hand, I think there are probably some mistakes in the diary such as comma splice and gramma. If I had more time, I think I can take another look on my diary carefully. I would be able to figure out the mistakes and included more description about the five senses.

