
Diary form

11/27/2015 The Black Friday
Today I got up earlier than before, because I had a lot of things to do. I waked up at 11:00 rather than 1:00. I went to china town for some food first, after that I went on a bowling trip. The bowling club was very dark but with different color light shining. It made me felt like it was a night club instead of bowling club. Never mind, the goal is to have fun. The first ball I missed everything because I threw it too hard. For the rest of the balls I focused more and tried to throw it more easy. Finally I made a strike. I felt very proud and excited when people were clapping hand to me. After that I went to Newbury St for shopping. There were crowed every where, and we need to wait in lines to get in one shop. I bought a cloth which was expensive but I liked it. I hesitated for a long time and finally made the decision. After I bought this cloth, I felt like my mom will kill me when she waked up. However, when I got back to the hotel, I received her message. She just wanted me to show her what I bought. Nothing else.

