
Another poem

The Life Of A Cupcake

© Shelby Greer
Published on May 5, 2014
They put me in the oven to bake.
Me a deprived and miserable cake.
Feeling the heat I started to bubble.
Watching the others I knew I was in trouble

They opened the door and I started my life.
Frosting me with a silver knife.
Decorating me with candy jewels.
The rest of my batch looked like fools.

Lifting me up, she took off my wrapper.
Feeling the breeze, I wanted to slap her.
Opening her mouth with shiny teeth inside.
This was the day this cupcake had died.
This poem is about a cup cake's life, how this cupcake was born and how he died. As a poem, it used a rhyme of AABB format in each section. Such as paragraph one bake and cake, bubble and trouble. This rhyme makes the poem sound more flexible and more funny. The character was a cupcake which was put into the oven to bake. The author used bubble to describe the condition of the cupcake inside of the oven. Then he used "I was in trouble" to finished the sentence which is interesting and funny. I like this poem not only because it is easy to understand, but also because the description  words in the poem. Beside the end rhyme in each sentence, there is also rhyme in the beginning of the sentence for example "Feeling the heat I started to bubble. Watching the others I knew I was in trouble", those two sentence all used an "ing" rhyme at the beginning of the sentence. My favorite part of this poem is that"Lifting me up, she took off my wrapper. Feeling the breeze, I wanted to slap her. Opening her mouth with shiny teeth inside. This was the day this cupcake had died." Those sentence are very interesting which introduced the condition while the cupcake was going to be eat. "Feeling the breeze" makes the cupcake like a real living things, "I wanted to slap her." makes the cupcake have its own thoughts. Those sentence makes me imagine the scene which the cupcake was going to be eaten and facing a huge mouth with shiny teeth.

