
Proposal for creative project


In order to make a creative project for Pobby and Dingan, our group(Leo, Minh and) choose to make a board game, because board games are fun and all of my classmates can join to play it. Of course the board game is related to the story Pobby and Dingan, and it's about people live on the Lightning Ridge going down to the mine to find opals. There are good character such as Ashmol, Kellyanne, and their father. Their goal is to trying to find as much opal as they could by using their route cards to moving down the mine. If there is good character, there must be some bad character also such as Old Sid. The bad guy's goal is trying to disturb other character to find opals so that they could get all the opals at last.
The game is base on the game Saboteur and it is a card game.
After playing the game, we can have a better understanding of  how teamwork is important in this game and refer to that how the Williamson family is going to against the people who pick on them.


Player play as miner who goes down to the mine and looks for the opal card. Some are just normal miner and some are bad miner who is trying to disturb others. If the miner uses their route card to make an tunnel to the final place which may have the treasure, they could find the opal and the intruder would get nothing. If the miner do not find anything, then the intruder get the opal. When 3 round of the game is finished, the player who had the most opal will win.

Picture of the game should be look like:

When the game is started, there is one start card and three goal cards placed on the table. There is a space about seven cards between the start card and the goal card.
Each players have cards on their hands(the amount of cards depends on the amount of player there are in the game). During each turn, each player must use either a route card or an action card into one player or pass the turn.
Route card: this type of card need to be put beside the start card. Each of the card need to be put in the order of the route depends on the pattern it has.
Action card: with this type of card, player can disturb each others or help each others. 

Our plans:
Leo is going to design the special character and their abilities in this game which is related to the book Pobby and Dingan.
Me and Minh is going to make the card by using the note card and trying.
Of course we are going to help each other since teamwork is very important.
And we will provide a nicely done board game to our glass when we finished.

