
Project progress

At last Thursday, our group has already finished making half of the cards that we are going to use in this board game. The rest of them we will finish drawing it as Minh had already cut them from the notecard paper. During the weekend, Minh came up the idea that we hide Pobby and Dingan with the opal as the goal. The people who get Kellyanne, who knew where Pobby and Dingan located is going to lead other player to find Pobby and Dingan. If Pobby and Dingan was found, then Kellyanne win the game and get the opal. So instead of only three goal card, there is probably four which one of them was Pobby and Dingan. So that our game can be related to the book, which reminds the player the most important things for Kellyanne is those two imaginary friends she believed. That is our idea about the game. For the rest o times we had, we will finish up drawing all the card we need, and practice playing to see if the game work at all.

