
In class writing

In the first two chapters of the book Pobby and Dingan, the author described a little girl with two imaginary friends and the attitude of people around her. 8 years old little girl Kellyanne had two invisible friends: Pobby and Dingan. She is very special that she liked to play with her imaginary  friends rather than getting together with other kids. Pobby and Dingan were very special and important to her. Although, there are some people who had imaginary friend when they were young. The reason which caused that is probably because they were lonely and they want friends. Children are always imaginative so that it is not hard to understand some little kids have friends that do not exist. However, I did not believe Pobby and Dingan are real. As I said they were imaginary friends for Kellyanne, and they were created by Kellyanne. In chapter one, "[Ashmol] slammed the door of the ute in Dingan’s face or the time [he] walked over to where Pobby was supposed to be sitting and punched the air and kicked the air in the head to show Kellyanne that Pobby was a figment of her imaginings"(Rice 53). This showed that those two friends were unreal which there is nothing happens even they got hit or hurt. Besides that, while Pobby and Dingan were lost, Kellyanne tried to find them and kept shouting for a long time but nobody replied. They couldn't be found as they haven't existed yet. All in all, I don't believe they are real even the story itself is a fiction which something amazing could happen. From a scientific point of view, I thought Pobby and Dingan are unreal.

