
Pobby and Dingan

Pobby and Dingan are imaginary friends of Kellyanne. They are Kellyanne's best friends and they always play with each other. They came from Kellyanne's mind, and only Kellyanne herself can see them. Except Kellyanne, nobody knows what they actually look like. In the novel, Kellyanne said that"They didn't look like anything in particular, but Dingan had a lovely opal in her bellybutton, only you had to be certain kind of person to see it. And Pobby had a limp in his right leg"(chapter 5). That was the only description that Kellyanne gave to Ashmol when Ashmol was trying to find them. Besides that "Pobby and Dingan don't sleep and they don't shoot. They are pacifists"(chapter 7). It seems like Pobby and Dingan don't have the same hobby as human being. They did not eat meals, but instead they like lollipops.
In my opinion, I don't believe that Pobby and Dingan really exist. They are just imaginary friends for Kellyanne. They are not real and they just exist in people's mind. In my opinion, I think both of them is very lively character as they all like playing on the swing and playing shooting games. They were also very naughty, as they even talk with Kellyanne while she is at school. Furthermore, Dingan must have a pretty appearance as she won the third prize in the Opal Princess Competition. Both Pobby and Dingan are only visible to Kellyanne, and they are lively while the time they spend with Kellyanne. They might be shy to strange people, as they could probably hiding themselves and nobody could see them. That's why although Ashmol organized a Tow search, they were still lost and nobody could find them. Beside that, they might not like Ashmol very much, as Ashmol always hit them and treat them very bad. 
All in all, that is all my opinion about Pobby and Dingan. They maybe do not like me, as I don't believe they exist, and I thought they are trouble maker. Because of them, Dad was called ratter, and the fence was burned. I could not think more about what they look like, perhaps they make me blank in my mind as they do not like me.

