
Spring story

Spring break is the most wonderful thing during March, but unfortunately, I need to spent nearly 50 hours on the plane. I went back to China and then I soon flew to Australia because my mom was there. Spring break is 14 days at all, two days I spent on the plane, and ten days in Australia. Of course, I didn't want to go. Instead of going to Australia and being controlled by my mother, I prefer to stay in China, having relax, meeting my friends.
I have a brother which is 13 now. Unlike me, he went to Australia to study abroad. Because he is too young to live on his own, my mom is going with him. The place called home is the place where your mother is. That was the reason why I need to go to Australia. It is the second time I visit there. The last time was 4 years ago, and it wasn't a good memory for me. Our family travelled to Australia, and we met typhoon and the highest temperature. Besides that, I was sick for most of the time during the trip. That was why I hated Australia.
After a long time "dying" on the plane, I finally arrived Sydney and it was raining outside. Mom told me it hasn't been raining since 2 month ago. Looks like this place doesn't welcome me very much. The first day in Australia was very tired. I could not get to sleep because of the jet lag. I waked up in the morning, and I felt I am tired already. I went to the market with my mom, and I felt like I even don't have any strength to carry the bags. I lied on the bed for the rest of the day, I was afraid of if I would get sick again. Luckily, it was just my worry. I got better in the next day, mom said that I was just too tired because of the travel and jet lag. After several days living in that place I disliked, I felt like this place wasn't that bad as I thought. Sydney is a beautiful city which surrounded by the ocean. It is a city which means it is like Shanghai and Newyork and it is very convenient. It has both nice environment and crowded people. I felt like it was a combination of China and American. Mom said that was because Australia has people from different place moving there to live. It was a place with different culture.
During these 10 days in Australia, I kind of changed my mind of Australia was a bad place. After living there for several days, I found out why my mom liked this place that much. It has a better education which is good for my brother, and she likes the weather there. She enjoyed the view of the ocean and the bay, and so did I. However, I still feel like I prefer to live in China, because I missed my friends and my own bedroom. Anyway, this experience makes me think Australia is a good place.

