
Love and Hope

Both the novel and the film shows that, love has the power to change someone from rebellious and antisocial to caring and open-minded because of the love they felt from others. Love is like the hope, and it always saves and helps people.
In the story “Me and You”, Lorenzo used to be very selfish and antisocial. He did not have good relationship with others. So that he lied to his mother that he was out for the ski week with friends, but in fact, he was hiding in the basement. However, while Lorenzo was hiding, he met his half sister accidentally. At first, they disliked each others and had several arguments. For Lorenzo, Olivia was like an invader to his secret basement. She suddenly appeared without telling any one, and she needed help. As the time they spent with each others, Lorenzo started to care about Olivia because Olivia was sick and she was in bad condition. With the caring from Lorenzo, Olivia became open-minded. She even promised to Lorenzo that she would never take drugs anymore. She wanted to find her way and live better, because she felt love from other people which gave her the hope. Their relationship became better. 
As well as Olivia became open-minded, Lorenzo also had changed. He realized that if he cared about others, others would care about him. He became emotional and helpful after he met Olivia. He took care of Olivia and found medicine for her. In the past, he did not care about others. After he was changed, he felt alive. “When I danced I felt something I’d never felt before, I felt alive. And yet I knew that beyond the door the world was waiting for me, and I would be able to take to others like I was one of them.” (Me and You) From that, I saw that Lorenzo he changed from the boy under the mask. He knew how to make friends, and he knew how to deal with relationship. He did not need to hide himself and pretend to be like others anymore. That was why Lorenzo felt alive. 

