
Once on this Island

This Friday night, I went to see the musical"Once on this island" which was produced by the Winter Musical. At first, I did not want to go as I heard it was a musical. I don't like musical because most the time I did not understand what it is talking about. When I saw the part of it during the morning meeting, I felt no idea about what it was about. It was just people standing together and singing together. At that time, I thought the musical must be very boring. However, after I went watching the musical, my mind was changed. 
The musical talked about an island which was separated  by the peasant and the rich. Our main character Ti Moune who was a peasant fell in love with Daniel who was born in the rich. She met Daniel in a car accident, and Daniel was dying. Ti Moune prayed for him to the God and finally saved him. After Daniel had been recovered, they fell in love with each other. From that the story seemed to be very romantic. However, it did not end up very well. At the end, although Ti Moune loved Daniel so much, but they can't be together because of the different social level they were. Besides that, Daniel also promised to married another girl when he was young. Finally, Ti Moune died because of the love. The story ended up sadly, as Daniel did not loved Ti Moune as much as she loved him. They can't be together as they were in different social level. This fairy tale reminded me of the feudalism which people were not treated equally. The more wealthy people were, the higher social level they had. 
While I was watching this musical, I was surprised that I could understand the story. Although Ms.Guarino had told us some plots about the story, the combination of acting and singing made the meaning of the story clear to me. I felt like I was in the story as my attention was taken away by the music. From the song, I could almost imagine the feeling of the character. When Ti Moune was trying to saving Daniel, the music soon became very serious and sad. This made me realized that, as they were in different society, she should not pray to save him and she'd better let him died. That also explained that why Ti Moune's papa and mama did not agreed Ti Moune to find Dainel at first. I can see that this music with produced with a lot of effort and strive from both the actors and the director. The actor did a great job such as Ti Monue, her voice and her action made me feel that she was really in love and made the story very realistic. This is the first time, I felt that I could understand a musical and enjoyed it. Everyone in the Winter musical had tried their best to provided this good show for us. It was a excellent show and I was really looking forward to the next one.

