
Writing center Visit

This is the second time, I visit the writing center. I went there yesterday, and I got advice from Ms.Swift. Actually, the advice that I got was not the one I expected though. At first, I was hoping that she could give me some opinion on my third body paragraph. As my third body paragraph is just a rough draft which I finished on Tuesday. It is unlike the first two body paragraph which I edited a lot and received several feedback. While I was writing it, I felt running out of words to explain my point, and I felt confusing because I thought I kept repeating the same point.
As I arrived at the writing center, there were already three people working on their assignment there. The result for that is I did not get a lot of help in fact. There is four students who need help from Ms.Swift, but there is only one teacher. Unfortunately, she could not help each of us very carefully and specifically. Overall, she told us how to structure and organized our essay. She mentioned in the introduction, we need to write something in common to lead up to our thesis, and then related to the book and movie which we are writing about. She said it was also the problem in my essay. As I only have two sentence in my introduction: "Both the novel and the film shows that, love has the power to change someone from rebellious and antisocial to caring and open-minded because of the love they felt from others. Love is like the hope, and it always saves and helps people." I used to think my introduction was very clear and specific. However, I was wrong. An Introduction need to have at least three to five sentence, but I only had two. In order to improve, I would better write a leading sentence which is in common idea. Then I could say, the book "Me and You" and the movie "The Last Song" showed that love had the power to change someone from ... to .... Beside that, my thesis "Love is like the hope, it always saves and helps people." could be introduced before that brief summary about the book and the movie. The leading sentence would be expended about my thesis which attracts reader.
All in all, I think my visit to the writing center is helpful, but not as I was looking forward though. Besides this time, I would probably need another time visiting there to revise my body paragraph. Next time, when Ms.Guarino asked us to go to the writing center, I should go earlier in the week. This time, because I haven't finish writing my essay, and I was being lazy, I went there  in the last days. To avoid that, I need to make a appointment with Ms.Swift earlier during the week next time, so that I could get more help and make my paper better. 

